What People Are Saying About Aquadocs

“AquaDocs has become one of my favorite podcasts. As a PhD in Aquatic Animal Health and an owner of a marine fish hatchery, this podcasts is right up my alley. Great guests, super fun and engaging, none of those boring super scientists. I look forward every week to the next installment. Inspiring, entertaining, engaging. Great work Michelle.”

— Nicole, FL, USA


I just found your podcast and am bingeing it! I am so impressed you are able to create this very impressive and well done podcast DURING vet school! Your diversity and depth of your interviews is impressive and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your interviews and learned SO much! Keep up the amazing work!can make all the difference.”

— Zara, CA, USA


“I am so glad you started Aquadocs! My colleagues and I have recently started a marine life course at Mississippi State, so we will definitely put your podcast on our syllabus!”

— Samantha, MI, USA


“I discovered the Aquadocs podcast during COVID while attempting to creatively transition my undergraduate hands-on marine mammal health course to an entirely virtual format. This informative podcast provides a freely accessible learning platform for aspiring students and established professionals to hear directly from scientists in the aquatic animal medicine field. I especially love the diversity of species and perspectives, not only from veterinarians but also animal husbandry specialists, technicians, trainers, and marine biologists who all provide unique and valuable expertise. This podcast has been a big hit among my students for career path development, science communication skills, and connecting with professionals outside of traditional modes like conferences. And it has been a super fun addition to my morning hikes. Highly recommend!”

-Heather, CA, USA


“Aquadocs is everything I’ve been waiting and looking for! As a first-year veterinary student interested in aquatic medicine, this podcast lets me listen from the top experts in the field, gain insight to various career paths, and take away solid advice for my future plans. Not only that, but every time I finish listening to an episode I leave feeling more excited and more in love with this field!”

-Vivian, NY, USA

“As a marine mammal enthusiast, I stumbled across Aquadocs in a bid to diversify my zoological podcast library - and immediately listened to every episode available. I study animal behaviour, as opposed to pre-vet/veterinary science, and I find the medical information incredibly accessible and useful for my wider reading and general aquatic ardour. The topics are varied, fascinating, and I feel that Michelle has tapped into a fantastic area of expertise. Aquadocs is definitely one of my top 5 podcasts I discovered in 2020, and I cannot wait to press play upon each new episode notification.”

— Indie, Brighton, UK


“AquaDocs is amazing! This podcast is what I needed at the exact moment I began working with aquatic animals and learning about aquatic medicine. By listening to a few episodes, I’ve learned about sea turtle, fish and sea star medicine, marine mammal training and different careers options and opportunities in the aquatic world. It’s entertaining, educational, motivational and just an overall wonderful resource that I am very grateful for.”

— Mónica, San Juan, PR


"I found Aquadocs while on a gap year after graduating with a B.S. in Marine Biology and a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz. I had really been missing being immersed in marine biology and Aquadocs brought me so much joy while I was traveling, being able to keep expanding my wealth of knowledge in current research in marine biology, while also discovering a new found interest in aquatic veterinary science! I work in marine mammal husbandry as well as research, and as a naturalist on a whale watching boat and I love the diversity of episodes and guests and have learned so much about so many different fields and the amazing work people are doing for aquatic animals and their conservation and health. Aquadocs makes learning about topics such as morbillivirus in Hawaiian monk seals or baseline health assessments in dolphins not only interesting and fun, but super accessible! I love how in every episode, Dr. Greenfield-Feig asks the guest how they got where they are now and for advice for listeners who want to do the same thing someday. I've shared this podcast with all of my marine biology and veterinary-interested friends and it has brought so many of us joy! Thanks for inspiring this generation of marine biologists and aquatic veterinarians and giving us a great podcast about our passions!"

-Andy, CA, USA


“I always listen to Aquadocs on my way to school! Great job Michelle”

-Hannah, IN, USA

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